Chapter 75: Four Weeks
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 75: Four Weeks

Picking up the picture, the shadow curled around Gao Ming’s back. In his memory, Teacher Yao’s death portrait was very normal. However, this time, Teacher Yao’s picture was covered in cracks. The picture split Teacher Yao into two. On the left, Teacher Yao’s body was thin and weak. His eyes were numb. He looked like he was about to die. On the right, Teacher Yao’s body was covered in shadow. He was tall and muscular. His eyes glowed, and he looked at the pink of health.

At the back, the children’s handwriting changed as well.

“Picture of Remembrance: Tonight, we welcome our rebirth. We will stay away from pain, despair, and death and become our new selves.”

This was Gao Ming’s first time encountering a picture of remembrance. He didn’t know how to use it. He had many death memories, but those memories focused on the moments he was about to be killed. Whenever he remembered them, he had to relive the pain again. “I need to keep this picture.”

The shadow was about to disperse. Gao Ming still had things to do. He didn’t ask Zhao Xi and An An to follow him. So many people had disappeared from Building 2. The centre would send people over. The two of them still couldn’t handle the interrogation.

“I want to turn Li San into a base that can handle the tragedy. In the future, more people will come here. You can explore this place first. Remember. Do not leave Li Jing Apartments.”

Gao Ming left the shadow world alone. He carefully removed his trace and returned to his home.

“I still don’t want to deal with the centre yet.” Gao Ming closed his eyes for the first time in days and slept.

At 6 am, Gao Ming was woken up by noises outside his bedroom. He exited his bedroom to check. He found Wan Qiu doing sit-ups following Yan Hua’s crazy regime. Wan Qiu had a sick brain, a pair of eyes that could see ghosts, intense self-discipline and had experienced unimaginable pain and torture. It was not unreasonable for him to become a supercriminal in the future. Gao Ming didn’t

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