Chapter 74: Faces
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 74: Faces

The blood vessels pierced Gao Ming’s body. He felt the pain from his memory, and he screamed loudly. Then, his body collapsed behind the figurine. It felt like his blood was being drained by the figurine drop by drop. This scene scared the neighbours. Then, something else happened that shocked them even more. At this moment, a woman with four mouths opened. She opened the front door and sent Zhao Xi out of Building 2.

“One will be sacrificed, and the other will be let out of the building?!” Wang Kuishang was surprised by this. Without hesitation, he picked up An An and ran downstairs. “I want to sacrifice this child! Let me go!” Fear Illness pressed on his every nerve. The pressure weakened Wang Kuisheng’s knees. He tossed the weak An An at the figurine.

The bloody arms grabbed An An. The face that represented the Life Shape glared at him. Gong Xi’s sewn mouth slowly opened, “You. Should. Die.”

The other arms grabbed Wang Kuisheng. The flesh on his body started to wilt. His scream echoed in the building. The faces of all the neighbours paled. Gao Ming, on the ground, slowly opened one eye. He didn’t control Gong Xi. The God of Flesh and Blood did everything on its own.

The bones cracked. Wang Kuisheng’s twisted body fell to the ground. Auntie Busybody clapped her hands and closed the front door after letting An An out. She walked over with her four mouths smiling, “You’ve already conducted the sacrifice twice. We’ll have one extra rule now. Zhao Xi is escaping, but he hasn’t walked far. You can call him from the second-floor balcony. You can use any method. If any of you can make Zhao Xi come back, you can take his place and escape. After that, a new round of sacrifice can begin.”

Auntie Busybody loved the job Gao Ming gave him because everyone had to listen to her. “Zhao Xi might be killed after he came back. The person who called him back will be the killer. Therefore, you better think about this.”

After the new rule was revealed, Li Li was the first to rush to the second-floor balcony. She opened the windo

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