Chapter 73: Abyss
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 73: Abyss

“Every future is different, but they are all painful for me as they all despair to despair. Since the ending is decided, I need to take care of those who want to push me into the abyss before I reach my destination.”

Gao Ming handed the designed game proposal to Wei Dayou. He looked at the sun set. Night arrived. Gao Ming told Wan Qiu a few things and then left with a black umbrella. Avoiding the old cameras, Gao Ming entered Building 2. He stood at the entrance and took out the death portrait that featured the ugly doll. Gao Ming knew from An An how to trigger the picture. He looked at the picture and felt himself to feel fear until the ugly doll came out of the picture.

Shadow undulated. Gao Ming’s first game had begun. The lights flickered. The couplets by the doors seemed to bleed. Everything could invoke fear. The shadow from another world crawled everywhere. It crawled into the rooms of every tenant in Building 2.

“The shadow in this picture of Fear Illness is limited. For now, it can only cover four floors…”

Each picture could be strengthened through sacrifice, but Gao Ming didn’t have that plan for now. Gao Ming walked up the stairs, and everything was silent. Gao Ming took out the picture of Si Sui Apartments. He tried to communicate with Granny Shen inside the picture, but it was to no avail. In the end, he injected the God of Flesh and Blood’s presence into it, and he got the response. One arm reached out. Auntie Busybody walked out of the picture alone. Instead of saying she was summoned, it was more like she was curious and wanted to come out to take a look. The shadow spread further. Using two death portraits, Gao Ming finally managed to drag the entire Building 2 into the shadow world.

“Sister, I need a favour.” Gao Ming said sweetly.

“Did you just move here? Do you want to greet the neighbours? Shouldn’t you prepare some presents?” Auntie Busybody rambled. She was curious about everything, but she was not a bad person.

“I need you to stay on the first floor for now and then follow my instruct

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