Chapter 77: Don't You Remember Me?
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 77: Don't You Remember Me?

After leaving the hall, Gao Ming found Wan Qiu standing dumbly at the entrance of the bubble tea shop. Since the shop was full, the kid stood outside in the rain in his raincoat like a penguin that no one wanted.

“You must have waited long.” Gao Ming bought two cups of bubble tea and gave one to Wan Qiu. Looking at the iced bubble tea, Gao Ming couldn’t help but remember an old friend. He took out his phone. After some hesitation, he called Wen Xuan. Wan Qiu looked at Gao Ming curiously as he sipped on his bubble tea.

After the phone rang, the call was connected. Wen Xuan’s confused voice came through, “Who is this?”

“You haven’t killed the eight main characters, right?”

The call ended.

Gao Ming put away the phone and looked into the rain. Then, he patted Wan Qiu’s shoulder. “Believe it or not. I’ve claimed a special place in her heart.”

Wan Qiu nodded with confusion. The phone in his pocket rang again. Gao Ming took it out immediately. It was Wei Dayou, “Brother, did you run into any trouble?”

“The police sealed up my apartment building. As the only survivor, the investigation centre sought me out.” Wei Dayou sounded tired. “I did what you told me to. They recommended me to the East City Investigation Centre. They said I was a potential agent who survived a Level 2 Anomaly.”

“Have you gotten to the centre?”

“I just finished the interview, and I joined Queens Investigation Centre. But…” Wei Dayou’s voice lowered even more. Gao Ming could barely hear him through the storm. “This place is so strange. The captain is an old man, but he never leaves his office. Everyone follows the order of the vice-captain, Qing Ge. He looks younger than me.”

“Qing Ge!” Gao Ming naturally knew this name. “Don’t underestimate him because of his age. He is very dangerous.”

“It’s too late.” Wei Dayou said sadly, “When I was in the queue, I boasted to him a lot because I thought he was just a normal worker. They are going on a mission tonight. I think they’ll bring me. Can I still escape?”

“You’ve seen all the game designs. You

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