Chapter 31: Gao Ming's New Job
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 31: Gao Ming's New Job

“The headquarters take this seriously. Everyone involved is selected through layers of tests. Even if you have the ability, they will not allow it.” Bai Qiao took up the documents on the table. “Someone needs to guard Min Long Street and Li Jing Street too. Your job is no less important than ours.”

After that, Bai Xiao started to discuss the mission that night with the other three agents. Every step had to be calculated. Gao Ming didn’t join their conversation. He found the things he needed in Qin Tian’s computer.

The investigation centre had people who specialised in internal info. Gao Ming called the person responsible. He wanted to use the centre’s influence to search for the people he needed. Gao Ming keyed in the info of the criminals he designed into his phone. The most dangerous killers had been silenced. Others could be negotiated with. Since he was the designer, Gao Ming was familiar with their weaknesses. Only he was brave enough to deal with this dangerous group of people.

“The best thriller normally won’t have any supernatural presence. However, I’m not a mainstream game designer. Some cases are not perfect, and some of the criminals have superhuman abilities. These abilities might be mutated by the shadow world, just like how it was with Xuan Wen.”

Half an hour later, the centre sent a message to Gao Ming. The first ‘criminal’ was found. This criminal was very hard to miss. He was very burly and large. It was impossible for him to hide from the cameras all over the city.

“An underground fight club?”

The centre was so effective that Gao Ming was shocked. He grabbed the raincoat and left.

“Where are you going? Let me come with you!” Zhu Suisui stood up and hurried to grab her axe.

“It’s already. You can stay here.”

“Captain Chen told me to stay with you.” Zhu Suisui left her axe and hurried to chase after Gao Ming. “Is there a new mission?”

“Just going out to meet a friend.” Gao Ming didn’t reject her. He and Zhu Suisui got into a car provided by the centre and headed to the east city. For a lo

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