Chapter 32: Doctor Gao
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 32: Doctor Gao

Yan Hua was so large that he blotted out the sky once he stood up. Gao Ming was so puny before him. However, his fists couldn’t press down this time.

The ‘executioner’ with 13 consecutive wins hadn’t hesitated like this in a long time already.

Yan Hua was not a bad person. However, if left to his own device, based on the plot of Gao Ming’s game, he would be defeated by his inner aggression and eventually become Han Hai’s most dangerous killer.

“It’s pointless no matter how hard you train yourself because your soul is still trapped in the shadow of your childhood.” Gao Ming leaned on the chair. The back of his shirt was soaked by cold sweat. He didn’t show any sign of panic, as if everything was within his control. “Killing and violence can’t give you security but will only distort you more.”

“Who told you these things?” Yan Hua’s suit was torn. The ghost tattoos on his body made him look like a demon from hell.

“Your big sister, Yan Ling.” Gao Ming lit a cigarette. “Should… we sit down and talk?”

Hearing his sister’s name, Yan Hua’s eyes filled with disbelief. His expression softened. The name was very special to him. His only good memory from childhood came from his sister. It was these broken memories that aided him until he was old.

“Is she still alive?” When Yan Hua recovered, he was already seated.

“Yes. She was the one who told me to take good care of you so that you wouldn’t be in pain anymore. That way, you can have your own life.”

“Where is she? Bring me to her!” Yan Hua believed Gao Ming. No one other than his sister knew about his childhood. And only those who had gained her trust would know about these stories.

Gao Ming ‘accidentally’ revealed the black band on his wrist. “I also wish to see her again, but she’s trapped in another world. Only by entering the anomaly can we find her.”

“What are you talking about?” Yan Hua frowned. He thought Gao Ming was crazy.

“Ghost stories will consume the city. Evil ghosts might appear at any time. The tragedy is coming.”


Gao Ming confused Yan Hua.

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