Chapter 33: Life
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 33: Life

“Wan Qiu?”

Hearing that name, Gao Ming told Zhu Suisui to let go. He came to the corner of the floor. There were four boys standing at the entrance to the girl’s bathroom. Some of them were smoking, and others had their uniforms tied around their waists. One of them was flicking a lighter expertly. Gao Ming didn’t make any sounds and slowly approached them.

The student with the cigarette raised his phone high to record a video. There was a drenched young man inside the girl’s bathroom. The boy seemed a bit dull. He wanted to escape but was pushed back into the bathroom by the other boys every time.

“This newly transferred dummy is quite fun to play with.” The student with the cigarette spat on the ground and turned to the only normally dressed male student among the group of bullies. “Ah Zhun, should we bring him to Back 19th Street to see the world tonight?”

Ah Zhun laughed. “Do you want him to die?”

As if sensing something, Wan Qiu ran to the door again. He used all his might to knock the student with the phone away, but just as he was about to escape, the other students yanked him back.

“Fuck! That was my new phone!” The student pressed Wan Qiu to the ground. “Bitch!”

He covered Wan Qiu’s mouth. The other three students came over to kick Wan Qiu!

The phone flew away. The student with the phone landed on the wall. Then, he realised he had been kicked away. The pain came from the back of his waist. He tried to get up but couldn’t.

“The school is a place for education. Why are you fighting?” Gao Ming stood before the students.

The bullies were stunned. They saw how Gao Ming sent their friend flying. He didn’t hold back.
“Brother, we’re at school!” Zhu Suisui was shocked too. It was fine if Gao Ming was harsh against ghosts, but they were in real life!

“They were bullying the kid.” Gao Ming picked up the student’s phone. The student tried to grab it back, and Gao Ming kicked him in the chest again. “I’m just collecting evidence.”

“Fine. We should all calm down.” Zhu Suisui was worried that things might g

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