Chapter 34: Discussion
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 34: Discussion

Everyone who had interacted with Wan Qiu would think that he was a good-looking dummy. However, Wan Qiu was not dumb. He was cleverer than most people. He merely shut himself up due to his childhood trauma. In the game, Wan Qiu was adopted by a crazy murderer. The person used various methods to cultivate an insane monster. However, Gao Ming decided to rewrite that future.

“The shadow world has written a script for Wan Qiu. To change his fate, he’ll do what Xuan Wen does, and that is to fight with the shadow world.” Gao Ming turned to look at Wan Qiu. This thin high schooler held the edge of the car window and looked at the setting sun numbly. It was like he was looking for a home.

Zhu Suisui, who was driving, saw this scene through the rearview window. Her heart was kind, so she agreed to bring Wan Qiu back to the centre. Actually, she was prepared to bring Wan Qiu to her home if the centre wouldn’t allow him to stay. The sun slowly set. Gao Ming went to a few other places based on the info provided by the investigation centre, but he didn’t find any other criminals.

Because they had to handle the newbies in the afternoon, Gao Ming didn’t stay too long in the city. He and Zhu Suisui returned to Li San Centre before the sky became dark.

“I have no experience leading newbies. I’ll rely on you for that.” Gao Ming pushed the responsibility to Zhu Suisui.

“Don’t. I’m a newbie too!” Zhu Suisui didn’t even have a black band, so she was anxious. “Why don’t we wait for Leader Bai to return?”

“That works.”

After entering the office of Team One, they realised that their worries were unfounded. No newbie was there. Only the logistics members of the centre were waiting for them awkwardly.

“Where are the newbies?” Gao Ming told Wan Qiu to grab a random seat.

“Someone has leaked the news and told them that Team One has an 80 fatality rate and a 100 fatality rate for newbies.” The worker handed the document over shyly.

“Ridiculous.” Gao Ming pointed at Zhu Suisui. “Isn’t there a person standing here alive? Furthermore, t

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