Chapter 35: Ate
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 35: Ate

Ever since he moved to Li San Centre, this was the first time Ma Lian met someone who dared to speak to him like this. He removed his leather gloves and walked towards Gao Ming. Gao Ming didn’t say anything. He picked up the axe, leaning beside Zhu Suisui’s desk. Ma Lian’s lips twitched. He didn’t believe Gao Ming would dare to hurt him. However, his steps still slowed.

“Ol Ma, watch it!” Chen Bing stopped Ma Lian. At that moment, Ma Lian felt strangely relieved.

“Don’t stop me!” Ma Lian pointed at Gao Ming, “In the future, I’ll have to educate newbies like you!” Then, he turned and left.

Chen Bing was Chen Yuntian’s daughter. She knew how much her father valued Gao Ming, so she didn’t say anything else. “Team One has few people to take the patrol. Use this time to rest and depart at midnight.”

After everyone left, Zhu Suisui quickly put her axe away. “Brother, there’s no need for that. It’s nothing if we got scolded.”

“I didn’t do anything. I just wanted to admire your axe.” Gao Ming opened the breakroom and set up the bed for Wan Qiu. “Xiao Qiu, you can sleep here tonight. If you need anything, just tell me. This is my number.”

Gao Ming then left the room. He moved the chairs together to make a quick bed and rested.

“You sure are something else.” Zhu Suisui saw how fast Gao Ming fell asleep, and she smiled helplessly. She didn’t know how to assess Gao Ming. He wasn’t selfish because he’d always rush to the front to save everyone. He wasn’t approachable from the way he looked after the young man. He wasn’t careless because there were only two beds in the office. He gave one to Wan Qiu and silently took the chairs to make his own bed. He left the other bed for Zhu Suisui, who had had a rough day.

“He has many flaws, but he’s a good man.”

Zhu Suisui set the alarm and slept on the other bed.

At 11.30 pm, Gao Ming opened his eyes. He put on the jacket and left the centre. He rode the bike to Min Long Street Building Four. Normally, a few people would be on the patrol, but Gao Ming believed he could do this a

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