Chapter 36: Worship
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 36: Worship

“He’s my friend.” Gao Ming walked out from behind Yan Hua. He looked tired. “Captain, you can see the situation with team one. We only have one new member, and all the core members are missing.”

Chen Yuntian nodded. He felt that Gao Ming was prepared to leave the centre already. After all, not anyone could sustain the pressure.

“The logistics members came and told us that no one was willing to join Team One. The two members who planned to join us have been stolen by other teams.” Gao Ming shrugged. “In other words, Team One only has Zhu Suisui and me left.”

“I didn’t anticipate this to happen. I can understand your choices. However, I hope you’ll consider it.” Chen Yuntian wanted Gao Ming to stay. After Bai Xiao disappeared, Gao Ming became his most valued member.

“I’ve given this a lot of thought.” Gao Ming said seriously, “People around us are missing due to anomalies, but none of them showed fear. This is when Li San Investigation Centre faces the greatest challenge. I’m willing to take up the burden!”

Chen Yuntian’s dark eyes lit up. He patted Gao Ming’s arms. “Kid, you are special!”

“No one is willing to join Team One, so I personally went to invite our own members. This way, we will trust each other too.” Gao Ming called Wan Qiu over. “Captain, don’t worry. We will not let the centre down.”

“That is a good thing, but…” Chen Yuntian’s eyes moved between Yan Hua and Wan Qiu. They were two extremes.

“Anomalies don’t test physique and intellect but humanity and luck. I was a psychiatrist at Hen Shan Penitentiary. I know humanity well. They are fine.” Gao Ming promised him. “If anything happened, I would take full responsibility.”

“The threshold for the elementary investigator is very low. They barely pass. But you have to tell them they will face a lot of dangers.”

“Understood. I’ll turn them into the best investigators. “Gao Ming then quickly added. “Before the new leader is here, I’ll temporarily take over Team One.”

Chen Yuntian thought about it and nodded. He had no reason to say no. “Okay, you’ll

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