Chapter 37: Scary Poverty
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 37: Scary Poverty

“Once the anomaly enters Level 4, the risk of it going out of control will increase tremendously. I have to destroy it before then.” Gao Ming planned to head to Si Sui Street to scout things out in the morning. “17, Wan Qiu, come with me.” Gao Ming picked up his bag filled with death portraits. “Suisui, I need you to stay here. If there’s anything, call me.”

“I’ll go with you.” Zhu Suisui stood up. “I’ll not be your burden.”

“It’s not that.” Gao Ming walked to Zhu Suisui. “It’s the issue of trust. Can I fully trust you? If my order is contradictory to the centre’s order, who will you listen to?”

Zhu Suisui didn’t expect this question from Gao Ming. As a firefighter, following rules was her job. “I want you to think about…”

“You saved my life, so I’ll listen to you.” Zhu Suisui said seriously.

“Bring your axe and come with.”

All the members of Team One gathered at the backdoor. The other teams didn’t ask anything. The centre knew about the situation of Team One. Some were gloating, and others showed sympathy. Everyone sighed. Ever since the anomaly appeared at Han Hai, the centre was locked in a passive position. They were desperate for a victory. They needed hope.

As the car drove to East City, Yan Hua and Wan Qiu studied the info on the black band. They had a rudimentary understanding of anomaly. Yan Hua looked scary but was very patient towards Wan Qiu, who also had a sad childhood. Gao Ming picked up his phone. Without looking at his contacts, he called a number. The call was answered quickly. A female, gentle voice came through, “Do you need me over there?” Before Gao Ming said anything, Xuan Wen had already guessed his thoughts.

“East City’s Si Sui Streets. We plan to do something big tonight. We’re going there earlier to check out the place.”

“Haven’t you joined the centre? Why do you still talk like a gangster?” Xuan Wen appeared to be at work. The sound of the keyboard never paused.

“Someone is feeding a horror to aid its growth. If w

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