Chapter 38: Toys
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 38: Toys

“There are too many things scarier than ghosts.” Gao Ming took out a few paper notes. “Can you bring us to your home later?”

“Sure, but my place is a bit cramped.” The middle-aged woman looked at the money and then at Yan Hua. She looked embarrassed.

“The two of you can stay here.” Gao Ming had Yan Hua and Zhu Suisui stay at the shop. He saw the middle-aged woman order Yun Tun noodles but didn’t eat any. Gao Ming told the waitress, “Get me two more bowls of noodles.”

“No, no.” The woman shook her hands. “This is not for my family. I’m buying it for someone else.”

Gao Ming didn’t insist. When Xuan Wen arrived, they led Wan Qiu to follow the middle-aged woman.

“You can call me Auntie Pang. Si Sui Street Apartments has four buildings, A, B, C, and D. My home is at Building B.” The woman carried her child and started to complain. “There used to be a path connecting the buildings from within, but we can’t use that now.”


“The whole Building A is sealed off. I heard that the remaining tenants have all moved. It’s an empty building now.” The woman shook her body to comfort the child. “If you ask me, those people are crazy! Where are ghosts in this world? If they have the energy to do this, they should work on fixing the economy of this country! Staying in a haunted house is better than being homeless!”

“Building A has been cleared?!” Based on the info in Bai Xiao’s computer, the anomaly started with a family in Building A.

“There weren’t many tenants in Building A anyways. The day before last, some strange people came to Building B and persuaded us to move as well.” The middle-aged woman carried the child and the noodles. “Life is getting harder, but the problem is you don’t even know why.”

The group walked on the pot-holed Si Sui Street and avoided Building A to reach another entrance to Si Sui Street Apartments. Just standing outside, Gao Ming felt uncomfortable. His body felt wrapped in a thin layer of shadow. Wan Qiu even grabbed Gao Ming and Xuan Wen’s sleeves, showing his unwillingness to go further.

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