Chapter 39: Strangeness Everywhere
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 39: Strangeness Everywhere

“I hope you find the thing you’re looking for.” The woman turned to close the door. Before the red door closed, the doll crawled to the chair and gorged down the cold noodles. There appeared to be someone hidden inside the giant doll.

“Gao Ming, don’t turn your head around.” Xuan Wen warned in a whisper. She stopped when they were more than 10 metres away.

“Is someone watching us?” Gao Ming was glad that he called Xuan Wen to come with him. This apartment was too abnormal.

“The anomaly here might have already spread. It is growing too rapidly.” Xuan Wen said seriously, “That woman is living with a ghost! The ghosts here can move around in the daylight like me.”

“Was the ghost hiding inside the doll?” Gao Ming shivered, “It hid inside the doll to hide from sunlight.”

“I can’t be sure, but I definitely sense something.” Xuan Wen turned to Wan Qiu, “He was the first to notice a problem.”

“Wan Qiu, what did you see?”

“There’s a pair of eyes in the doll. There are three kids in the bed. One was tied up. There are joss sticks ashes, and rice on the ground. Talismans are pasted behind the door. The hair that clogged up the drain was yellow, but the mother and children have black hair…” Wan Qiu counted on his fingers. “The plastic bags in the cupboard contain IDs of strangers. The rim of the rice cooker is bloody. It’s not cooking rice.”

Wan Qiu then pointed to the corridor that led to Building A. “That place is… very dangerous!” Wan Qiu stammered out everything that scared him.

“It’s still daylight, and there’s no shadow, but this place is already so scary. The horror stories have shaken loose the shadow world and become part of the reality.” Xuan Wen suggested, “Why don’t we leave for now? And find some unformed stories?”

“Someone is feeding the stories in the east city. If they manage to create a fully out-of-control horror story at this stage, we’ll lose all agency.” Gao Ming was the designer. He knew how scary things would get if things went out of control.

“It’s hard to trigger an anomaly beforehand. It’s

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