Chapter 40: Bad and Good
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 40: Bad and Good

“Don’t eat those! Those are for dead people!” Gao Ming rushed towards Wan Qiu, but Xuan Wen held him back.

Wan Qiu slowly moved his body. His face was scrunched up together. His neck twitched, and bloody rice fell from his mouth. “You…” Wan Qiu’s expression changed. The curtain fluttered in the window. Paper money was scattered everywhere. The walls and ceiling cracked. There appeared to be bugs crawling in the gap.

Wan Qiu spoke like a weeping elder, “Tiger in front, wolf at the back. The sky won’t reply, the ground won’t answer…” Something inside the room wanted to tell Gao Ming and Xuan Wen some things through Wan Qiu. “Ghosts eat humans. Humans eat meat. Meat eats ghosts.”

Wan Qiu’s mouth was leaking with blood. His lips were chapped, but he kept mumbling. The round table shook. The bowls fell. “You have to eat. Then you’ll live…”

After that, Wan Qiu fell to the ground. Gao Ming hurried to help him up.

At the same time, Xuan Wen opened the door of the inner room. The only bedroom had been modified to a memorial. There were eight death portraits and plaques lined up neatly on the table. In the portraits, they widened their eyes as they looked at the round table in the dining room.

“These are the victims of the first case here. The joss sticks are still burning. Has someone been lighting these for them?”

They had made some commotions. Gao Ming was worried that it would attract the attention of hostile entities, so he carried Wan Qiu and left. Gao Ming pushed open the front door, and the metallic door slammed into someone.

“Wait!” Holding his forehead, Uncle Wu, in the winter coat, appeared. The tattered talismans in his coat fell everywhere.

“Why are you here?”

“We don’t have time to talk. Let’s go!” Uncle Wu didn’t even pick up the fallen talismans. He led Gao Ming’s group to the fifth floor. They squeezed through the gap in the fence and returned to Building B.

“You people are so brave!” Uncle Wu collapsed to the ground while catch

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