Chapter 41: Auntie Pang
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 41: Auntie Pang

At 10 pm, the investigators stood around the perimeter of the apartment. The whole street was blocked off. The atmosphere was suffocating. There was no warcry or preparation. The chosen investigators slowly moved forward with silence and determination.

Numbers were pointless to solve an anomaly. The ghosts in the shadow world could replace your teammate. A newbie would only be a burden, so the centre only sent the elites this time. The core was members who had experienced level 4 anomaly before. They formed individual teams. They were prepared to die so that innocent people could maintain their dignity. Regardless of their past, at that moment, the investigators showed the fearlessness of humanity. The human figures disappeared into the apartment. Several seconds later, a wail echoed. The shadow around the apartment spread! The anomaly had been triggered!

Compared to the night before, the anomaly this time was at least three times larger. Even the logistics workers sealing the streets were taken into it!

Gao Ming, who was hiding in Building C, had his right eye twitched madly. His group was directly consumed. They had no time to react. The red light on the black band blinked. The coms were cut off. The light in the corridor flickered. Every unit was affected. The doors looked like gaping jaws.

“Something’s wrong.” Xuan Wen sighed. She touched the corridor wall. Her face was pale. “I assumed I’d be kicked out like last time, but I was targeted by this horror as well. Once the shadow touched me, I was pulled in!” Xuan Wen wanted to hunt the horror, but this time, she was the prey.

“This feels strange. Something is calling me.” Yan Hua removed his jacket and opened his arms. He allowed the shadow to crawl all over him. “This is so nice. I’ve never felt so free. I seem to belong here.”

Wan Qiu reacted more reservedly. He stood beside Gao Ming and held the talisman given by Uncle Wu. The back of his neck was wet.

“Shush.” Gao Ming perked up his ears. “Why… is there the sound of a beating heart inside the walls?”

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