Chapter 246: Awake
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 246: Awake (Teaser)

Xuan Wen could be considered the person who knew Gao Ming the best. She knew many of his secrets, and Gao Ming never hid anything from her. However, from Xuan Wen’s perspective, Gao Ming was still a mystery.

In her memory, which was tempered by the shadow world, she would fall in love with Gao Ming involuntarily because she was a main character in a game designed by Gao Ming. She shouldn’t exist in the world. She woke up from the shadows and headed to the tunnel to change her fate. However, when she first saw Gao Ming, the killing intent in her heart disappeared. She seemed to have met Gao Ming many times before. When she saw Gao Ming from a distance in the tunnel, she hid the blade behind her and subconsciously combed her hair. She was there to threaten him, but somehow, she ended up carrying him out of the tunnel. That was not her plan, but it seemed to have happened many times already.

“Who should I believe?”

The memory given to her by the shadow world and the memory Gao Ming told her conflicted. It was a strange feeling. It was