Chapter 247: Sides
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 247: Sides (Teaser)

Chen Meng was clearly different after he received treatment at the hospital. Before this, he was troubled by insomnia, but at least he was awake. Now, he looked befuddled. Even his eyes were murky. Chen Meng was ready to go to the seventh floor after he took the medicine. However, he turned and saw Situ An. He felt strangely attached to Situ An, like Situ An was the kindest person to him in the world other than his parents.

“President Situ? Nice to meet you.” Chen Meng greeted him nervously and politely, like a kid meeting the senior of his family.

Situ An didn’t answer instantly, but he turned to Lu Zang as if getting his permission.

“He is our new family member. He’ll be staying on the seventh floor.” Lu Zang mentioned the word family.

Hearing that, Situ An’s expression shifted. He smiled brightly. “Since you’re family, tell me if you need anything in the future. I still have some connections in Han Hai.”

“I… I don’t even know what to say. You are even kinder than what is depicted of you on the television.” Chen Meng did not expect this