Chapter 245: Dreamer
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 245: Dreamer (Teaser)

Xuan Wen put away her smile. She radiated no warmth or kindness anymore. She stared at the screen seriously. She checked to make sure she got everything right.

Gao Ming had been to the back building of Li San Hospital half a year ago. He was there, not as a patient. He might been chosen by the shadow world back then.

“Erm…” Chen Meng looked at the paused video. He did not see himself or his doctor. It was another person. “Aren’t we here to treat me? Did you get this wrong?” As a patient, Chen Meng didn’t want to interrupt, but Xuan Wen was treating this with such severity that Chen Meng felt like he could be dead the next second.

“Every time you can’t sleep, someone around you will die, but you’ll always be fine. Therefore, you are fine.” Xuan Wen shushed Chen Meng. She took out a headphone and connected it to the old computer. Xuan Wen pressed the play button. She stared with such focus. The video continued to play. The ward door opened. Gao Ming entered the ward in his uniform. Dust danced in the light. There was no smell of disi