Chapter 241: Serious Symptom
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 241: Serious Symptom (Teaser)

Xuan Wen’s tone was clearly different from before. It was evident that she cared deeply about this. Be it the real world or the shadow world, there were not many things that could affect Xuan Wen. Only her confusing relationship with Gao Ming could give her things to worry about. She believed that those emotions were fate’s shackles and not what she really felt.

“Focus on money, future even troubles are better than focusing on relationships.” Xuan Wen’s words silenced Su Mo. As someone who had zero romance experience, he had no idea what was troubling Xuan Wen so much. He just wanted to know whom the voice on the phone belonged to.

“The people from the investigation centre are coming soon. We need to leave this place. We’ll meet them after we gather enough power.” Xuan Wen walked out of the room. She was so calm before she answered that man’s phone.

“What a scary woman.” Su Mo grumbled and walked to the back of the group while holding the pair of heels.

The late afternoon light was slowly swallowed by the dark clouds. The night wa