Chapter 240: Relationship
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 240: Relationship (Teaser)

The insomniac and Da Bo sat on Xuan Wen’s sides. The kid with the gaming helmet stomped his feet angrily, but he couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t figure out why his best friend would suddenly be so estranged from him and was willing to follow a ‘witch’.

Xuan Wen took out some threads and needles. She told the kid, “Come here.”
The kid was unwilling, but his body moved on its own. He slowly nudged towards Xuan Wen. The boy turned his head to the side when Xuan Wen bandaged his wrists. He was thinking about something cruel in his mind.

“Do you plan to cut off my hands and attach them to your wrists?” Xuan Wen’s voice entered the boy’s ears and startled him.

“D-did I say that out loud?” The boy turned back with shock. He realised his wrists had been tied by bandages. “What are you doing? You’re on the same side as those humans!”

“I’m a doctor! I’m doing this to help you.” The scalpel Xuan Wen hid in her hands cut through the back of the boy’s neck. The wires of the helmet were connected to the boy’s spine and joined with his blood c