Chapter 239: Mist
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 239: Mist

Having been stepped on, Old Sao was not feeling great, but he didn’t dare to show any dissatisfaction. He lay on the ground and cautiously observed the corridor. He had heard many rumours about the investigation centre online, but after he interacted with them in person, he realised the online rumours were too conservative.

From the man’s attitude, it was clear that the investigation centre didn’t treat normal citizens like them as human beings. These members were arrogant and conceited.

“No wonder no one likes them.”

Old Sao had no idea that the man assumed they were horror game players, and he had no idea the people before him were special units from the investigation centre. “One day, when I can stand on my own, I’ll make you pay for this.”

Old Sao grumbled internally as he considered what to do.

In the dark corridor, the ghost tattoo on the long-haired man’s neck rippled like water. His pale fingers opened like lotuses. The ghost eye embedded in his palm blinked. The eyes focused on the kid with the gaming helmet. The man walked confidently forward without drawing his blade. Instead, it was the kid who started to tremble. It was like something was wrestling control of his body, so he couldn’t move. With his thumb on the hilt, a black mist wafted out of the man’s body. The ghost tattoo reconstructed behind him to form a giant figure of a ghost. They were similar to the figurines Granny Shen had in her room at Si Sui Apartment, but the man’s figures had all been infiltrated by black mist.

“Why did you stop moving?” Before night arrived, the man suddenly picked up speed. He stepped on the tiles and slashed!

The kid was very fast, but the man’s blade was faster. When the kid reacted, his mutated hands were already on the ground. After the hand-sickles separated from the kid, they returned to normal hands. As the tears fell, fear and pain caused the child to lose all will to fight. He landed on the ground with four limbs and crawled away, leaving behind two bright trails of blood. The man didn’t give chase. H

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