Chapter 238: Gamer
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 238: Gamer

“Su Mo should still be alive. There’s no sign of fighting here. He and the woman might have escaped from another exit like the window.” Brother Xiong knew that was improbable, but since they hadn’t seen Su Mo’s body, they had to focus on the positive.

Old Sao shook his head. “At this place, anything unimaginable is possible. Everything is heading towards a direction none of us wants.” Old Sao’s heart raced harder than normal. He could sense the appearance of danger, but the feeling was constant. He had no idea where the danger would come from.

“Li San Hospital is so different from the house I entered last night.” Old Sao hesitated before he turned to Lee Ding and Brother Xiong. “I didn’t expect this to happen. This is my fault.”

“Don’t focus on that for now.” Brother Xiong grabbed Old Sao by his arm, “Your phone has been vibrating. Aren’t you going to answer it?”

“Someone replied to my online post. The people outside are very interested in what we’re experiencing here.” Old Sao picked out his phone, clicked open the post, and showed it to his friends. Seeing the content, Brother Xiong and Lee Ding’s faces paled. “These people are so weird!”

“Hmm?” Old Sao glanced at his screen. The first reply was a troll message, “The four of you will die in the hospital. You will be chopped into pieces and put into my new cans.”

“There are many replies like this. Don’t mind it.” Old Sao was already immune to such comments.

“But he knows there are four of us. You didn’t reveal that information before!” Lee Ding entered Old Sao’s profile backstage. His phone kept vibrating because the person who posted that comment kept private messaging Old Sao. Lee Ding allowed the messages to come through, and he saw some blurred images and words.

“The four of you will die in different rooms. I’ll turn you into mutes and deafs. You’ll be turned into toys to satisfy the curiosity of my eccentric customers.”

The private messages kept coming. They included images of the hospital’s seventh floor, the complicated corridor, and finally, the corridor they had j

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