Chapter 242: Eyes
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 242: Eyes (Teaser)

I was a cowardly man. I never dared to go out at night because I felt like there was something waiting for me outside the door. Home was the only place where I felt safe. However, ever since father and mother went missing, everything changed. Father and mother went missing at home. That night, I was woken up by my parents. They told me to run and leave home. However, when I opened my eyes, my home was scarily quiet.

I hid under the blanket and peeked into the living room. The furniture and electronics were all there. Nothing was missing. If anything… There were additional shadows there. They stayed there quietly like coffins standing upright.

Finally, it was morning. I pulled open the curtain and ran into the living room, shouting my parent’s names. There was no answer. I opened the main bedroom door. My parents were gone. I quickly called the police, but the neighbours told the police that it was me who murdered my parents. They said they could hear arguments and pleas coming from my home throughout the night. They called me a crazed m