Chapter 234: Invisible Humans
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 234: Invisible Humans

The term beauty was not enough to describe the woman. More than her physical beauty, even her presence was captivating.

Old Sao’s eyes almost fell out. Su Mo, who hid behind, slowly moved his eyes away. It was not that he was shy, but he felt a headache coming. It felt like he had encountered the woman before, and the encounter was not a happy one.

The woman clearly didn’t expect to run into four university students at the door. She smiled lightly, “Have you seen my little brother? Due to his appearance, he has quite a bad temper…”

“Yes! We saw him! He went down the second corridor on the left!” Old Sao volunteered, “Do you need us to lead the way? But I have to warn you. This hospital is not that safe.”

“Not that safe?” The woman looked confused. She looked so out of depth that people couldn’t help feeling bad for her.

“The rumours about Han Hai on the internet last night are all real. Horror stories have taken over this building. Now, we can’t leave the hospital, and the place is filled with dead people. It’s so dangerous!” The woman hadn’t said anything, but Old Sao was ready to give her everything. He had no idea why he was acting so generously.

The woman looked shocked and scared like this was her first time hearing about the ghost stories.

“I don’t think you should move around alone. We can help you find your little brother.”

Old Sao’s group saw the woman walk into the hospital from outside, so this meant that she absolutely had no relation to the hospital. She was a safe ‘human’. With Old Sao’s keen invitation, the woman slowly put her guard down.

“The hospital horror has its own rules. We’ll try our best to protect you, but you have to listen to us, okay?” Brother Xiong was honest and said in an even voice, “How should we refer to you?”

“I’m Xuan Wen. My little brother is Little Yang Yu.” Xuan Wen didn’t hurry to run after Yang Yu.

“Stop wasting time. We can’t leave from the front and side doors. We need to hurry to collect resources to prepare for the imminent night.” Su Mo didn’t dare to get cl

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