Chapter 233: Father
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 233: Father

The middle-aged man tossed the empty bottle to Old Sao, “Other than drugs, the different wards will provide different functions at night. For example, when you’re chased by your enemies, you can go to the plastic surgery ward to change your figure and face. To avoid specific curses, you can even change your gender.” Seeing the shock on their faces, the middle-aged man shook his head. “For the sake of my daughter, I will do anything. You better have the same understanding too.”

Leading Old Sao’s team, the middle-aged man walked up the stairs to the top floor. There, the place felt a lot quieter.

“There are many wards here. Some of them have special functions, and others are very dangerous. Remember to pay attention to the Genetics Consultation Ward and the OBGYN. When you are forced to a corner, you can try your luck at these two wards. You might gain protection from some unlucky things.” The middle-aged man appeared to have done exactly that. He expertly unlocked the lock on the safety door.

The smell of disinfectant permeated the air. The tiles on the walls were yellowed, and the lightbulbs in the corridor shattered.

“There are so little people here.”

“This place will be crowded at night. I like to hide here in the morning.” The middle-aged man carried his daughter and walked ahead like he was looking for something.

Su Mo touched Old Sao and whispered, “Doesn’t this mean that no one likes to come here? This floor is not safe. I noticed that the lock on the door was new. It was brought in from outside.”

“I temporarily don’t sense any danger.” Old Sao hesitated.

“This is the genetics consultation ward.” The middle-aged man suddenly spoke. He pointed at a half-open door. The room looked like other rooms. It was about the size of two small wards.

Old Sao went near and curiously looked in. Pregnancy promotion posters decorated the wall. There were a lot of files on the table. Most of the files recorded the illnesses suffered by the patients. The pictures made them feel uncomfortable.

“Physical disfigurement is fine. The bigger t

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