Chapter 221: Taboo Game
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 221: Taboo Game

An open taunt!

It had been quite some time since someone dared to do this to Jing Tuoshen. He looked at the man on the screen in the strange mask as he took out a black box from his chest. Jing Tuoshen looked at the man as he opened the box. A strong scent of decay floated out. He extended his fair fingers and pulled out a doll made from old clothes. Without any hesitation, Jing Tuoshen pierced his clean fingers through the doll’s heart.

The cries echoed in the room. The security members averted their eyes. The doll cried like a baby. Its small limbs wiggled about as blood oozed from its chest. Jing Tuoshen gripped the doll tightly as it struggled in his palm. The doll eventually disappeared into the shadow.

The investigation centre had many cursed items. The research department’s job was to analyse them and use them to deal with the shadow world. They separated the cursed items into many levels. The one Jing Tuoshen used was an extremely rare item. Once the user knew the target’s name and appearance, the user could summon tragedy on them.

“Qian Junran is a student from Class 13. We still haven’t found him. Who would have thought he’d appeared like this?” Chen Guan’s gaze was complicated. They were supposed to attack the horror game players, but these people were the ones who saved the public when tragedy struck. “I’ve not heard of this group of people before. How did they grow under the watchful eyes of the investigation centre?”

“The issue is they’ve provided Han Hai with a new choice of faith.” Chen Yuntian glanced at Jing Tuoshen. The chiefs talked among themselves. Jing Tuoshen didn’t stop them. He waved behind him. The security member opened a black box and took out a heavily damaged black band.

Jing Tuoshen activated the band and closed his eyes to wait. A few minutes later, a woman’s voice came, “Hello. This is Perfect Life’s fourth chatroom. How can I help you?”

Jing Tuoshen rambled off a bunch of codes, and the woman’s tone changed, “Please ensure there are no living humans around you. Please switc

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