Chapter 220: Here I Am
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 220: Here I Am

The water glass crashed to the floor. The boiling water and splintered glass flew everything. Jing Tuoshen’s fingertip bled, but he didn’t seem to notice it as he stared at the screen. No one around him dared to speak. They stood there with their heads lowered. No one expected Situ An to reveal these things. He pushed all the crimes to the investigation centre. Even if he died, he wanted to pull everyone down with him.

After watching Situ An’s last video, some of the lower-level investigators started to waver. To explore the anomalies, they risked their lives in exchange for information. They didn’t ask for power or money. They did it because they were proud to be humans. It was not that they had no fear, but something inside their hearts helped them overcome the fear. That thing was the faith and responsibility given to them by the investigation centre.

Now that Situ An had exposed the conspiracy, some investigators realised that their sacrifices weren’t exchanged for the safety of Han Hai but for the private benefits of the selected few. Faith was the only weapon the investigators had against the ghosts. It was the source of their courage. However, this source had been poisoned.

The chiefs present didn’t know what to say. They knew about the corruption within the centre, but they were not as ‘brave’ as Situ An to expose anything.

“Situ An!” The chilling voice was squeezed out between the teeth. Jing Tuoshen touched his communicator and hissed, “Send all the free investigators to the east city investigation centre. Contact the network safety department. Have them take down all the information in half an hour. Then, release the report we have on Situ An.”

“Isn’t that a bit late?” Chen Tianyun sighed, “Even if Situ An has done some horrible things, wouldn’t you just follow his wishes if you expose them now? People will only think we’re slandering him.”

“Then, what do you think we should do?”

“Do not resist it. Try to calm the situation. Tell the citizens to stay at home to lower the injury and fatality rate.”

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