Chapter 219: Home From Home
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 219: Home From Home

“Gao Ming?” Situ An didn’t show panic or fear when he saw Gao Ming appear before him. He narrowed his eyes and revealed a trace of happiness, “Finally, someone to talk to.”

“Why do you start narrowing your eyes when talking to someone? Is it Xia Yang’s influence?” Gao Ming held onto the chain that cut through Situ An’s body. It was like he was talking to a friend and not his nemesis.

“That artist is very scary. He’ll one day replace you.” Situ An stared at Gao Ming, “To be honest, I still don’t know why I lost. I admit you’re a clever person, but you’re leagues behind people like Xia Yang and me.”

“Is that so?”

“How can I put it? It’s like I’m a father watching my son. Your schemes and plans are rough and simple, but… they are very effective.” Situ An thought about it, “You’re like a student who knows the answer to the test, a cheater.”

“You’re not wrong.” Gao Ming nodded, “But that makes me happy still.”

“But there will be the next Situ An, and the shadow world will infiltrate the real world. The tragedies will still happen.” Situ An wanted to share his understanding with Gao Ming. Everything was fated, and humans were powerless. This was the conclusion he reached after fighting with fate.

“No. It doesn’t matter who the next Situ An is. I don’t care about tragedy and the real world. I just wanted to kill you. A world without you is very important to me.” Gao Ming could start his life again. Even if the future might be more painful, Gao Ming wouldn’t hesitate. He wanted to store the source of pain and despair in his heart.

“Then…” Situ An was silent for a while, “What if you became the next Situ An?”


“You thought you had escaped the cycle, but this might be the arrangement of fate.” Situ An had an indecipherable smile. “Xia Yang hasn’t returned after so long, and you have appeared. Clearly, you’ve seen the backup I left behind. Everyone at Han Hai has already known that I have been killed by the investigation centre for the sake of humanity.”

“You told me about Jiang Chan, He Yi and Fu Ning for this moment, right?” Gao

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