Chapter 222: Map
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 222: Map

“It looks like Xia Yang found out more from Situ An but didn’t tell me.” Gao Ming stepped on the pile of meat and walked to the blood door. The door separated two worlds.

“Don’t touch it. Let me.” Zhang Ding waved his hand, and a surge of flood blasted the door open. They saw the corridor made from blood and shadow behind the door. “This door is heavily damaged. Situ An probably brought it back from somewhere else and modified it into a ‘safe’ to keep his treasures.”

“A broken door…” The door’s original appearance had been covered by the humans. Gao Ming could only see the sacrificed newbies on the door. “The world is becoming more absurd. More monstrosities will appear in the future.” Gao Ming could sense that the newbies were still alive. He could even hear their heartbeats. “Bring this door with us when we leave and see if we can save them.”

After entering the door, the world behind it brought Gao Ming a feeling different from the shadow world. If the shadow world was a dark and rotten can, this corridor was like a bloodred coffin. There was death and destruction everywhere.

“Based on my earlier information, doors will only appear in Jiujiang. Did Situ An bring this door to Han Hai from Jiujiang? Did he want to modify this door using the rules of this city?” Gao Ming in the mask discussed it with Zhang Ding. The God of Flesh and Blood reacted strongly. Xia Yang was just in front of them.

“Stop!” The gun barrels were aimed at Gao Ming and Zhang Ding. The East City Investigation Centre’s security members warned coolly, “Stop moving!”

“Are there still people alive?” Zhang Ding was impressed by Teacher Xia. He thought the man would have killed everyone already. “We mean no harm.”

Boss Zhang raised his hands in surrender and wanted to explain the situation. Suddenly, the guns fired. The water dripped. Zhang Ding looked at the holes in his chest. The bullet went through his body and exploded behind the spot where his heart should be. The other party didn’t even give him the chance to explain anything. They aimed to kill.


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