Chapter 223: Home
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 223: Home

The city model that collapsed when Su Mo entered the Home of Butchers was reconstructed after Gao Ming entered the same room. Those chosen to be parents by the shadow world seemed to possess something unique.

“Try to put your death portrait into the city. If you’re worried, you can put mine.” Xia Yang’s voice was gentle. Those who didn’t know would think he was Gao Ming’s friend.

“Shush. Let me think.” Gao Ming took out the birthday death portrait and put it on the growing city of blood and flesh. The flesh and bones that made up the city seemed to come alive as they pulled the portrait into the city. At the same time, a special bond was formed between Gao Ming and the city model. A lot of information appeared in his mind. Dark spots appeared in the model. Some of the darkness was still spreading.

“The normal city buildings are white. The dark areas represent the anomaly. The greater the danger, the darker it is.” Xia Yang explained it kindly, “Can you see the red dots moving in the dark areas? Those are ghosts. You can use your consciousness to approach them.”

Gao Ming frowned as he scanned the map. He chose the deep red Spring Apartments. Some unfamiliar and scary images appeared in his mind. His old classmate, Cai Meimei, crawled on the roof beams like a centipede. Behind her were the endless scapegoats.

“Each red dot represents a Big Ghost. You can use this map to obtain the perspective of the ghosts. Of course, the premise is that these ghosts have already been consumed by the shadow world.”

“How do you know these things?” Gao Ming didn’t expect Cai Meimei to turn into this monster. The girl who once loved beauty transformed into something she hated the most.

“Before you came, I’ve already attempted to use my own soul to connect with the map. However, I failed to gain its approval. The map soon crashed.” Xia Yang looked at Gao Ming with expectation, like he was watching the growth of a super monster. “Don’t recollect your death portrait in a hurry. Try to let your consciousness sink into the map fully, and you’ll see

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