Chapter 224: Normal Person
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 224: Normal Person

Strange people, scary ghosts and curious rooms.
In that situation, Su Mo felt that the blanket given to him by the Four-Eyed Auntie wasn’t that scary anymore. This was the only ‘cursed object’ he owned. Hugging the blanket, Su Mo tried to move to the door to escape, but Zhang Ding was standing outside. Boss Zhang, whose chest was leaking, had morphed into the flood as he blasted the corridor.
Since he couldn’t leave from the front door, Su Mo tried to find a different exit. He tried his best to stay away from Gao Ming, but his body still accidentally touched the edge of the bone city. Gao Ming sensed Su Mo’s presence via the city. The map gave him a new piece of information.
“Su Mo: Zero violence tendency, zero perversion, zero danger rating. Extremely low mental corruption. The chance of shadow corruption is low. Abandonment is suggested.”
After Su Mo touched the map, Gao Ming gained new information. The final goal of all the parents in the shadow world was to become the new owner of the dead Han Hai City. They would help the shadow world regain life. After the parents triggered the anomaly in the real world and obtained the blessings of the shadow world, they could use the blessing to reward their family. The family was the citizens of the shadow Han Hai. The previous number on the map was 207, but after Gao Ming took over the map, the number went back to zero.
“Su Mo’s presence here is like fate’s intervention. I owe him for helping Xia Yang enter the Home of Butchers.” Situ An’s treasures were hidden in the real ‘home’. The map only had a few blessings left that Situ An didn’t have the chance to use. Gao Ming decided to use them all on Su Mo. His consciousness controlled the bone city. Shadow rushed towards Su Mo and dragged him to the middle of the map.
Su Mo screamed, but he soon realised the shadow didn’t harm him. The shadow world’s blessing worked differently on different people. Gao Ming studied Su Mo carefully. Eventually, Gao Ming frowned.
Even if a cat like Fa Cai were blessed by the shadow world several time

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