Chapter 206: Tragedy
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 206: Tragedy

“What do you need me to do?” Fu San’s finger traced the wall. His eyes wandered about like he was reminiscing about the taste of Soul Transfer Pill. The mention of the pill made the worms in Fu San’s heart move. This ‘realistic’ reaction satisfied Fu Yi.

“The Soul Transfer Pills come from the shadow world. Our great chief Situ An has a home in the shadow world.” Fu San started to tell everyone Situ An’s secrets since he believed Situ An was dead. “There are a lot of Soul Transfer Pills at his home. Not to mention the weaknesses of all the big shots at Han Hai. It is also where Situ An keeps his research on the ghosts.”

Fu San was intrigued by the things He Yi mentioned. The portrait he drew on the wall was almost complete.

“However, it is very hard to enter that home. I know where it is. Your father knows what things to prepare to summon the door. The logistics manager, Jiang Chan, has the door key.” He Yi’s ugly face blocked Fu San’s sight. “I need you to get the identity of the things from your father. After I enter Situ An’s home in the shadow world, I’ll give you all the pills you want.”

“So that home is Situ An’s real inheritance. He has hidden his stuff in the shadow world.” Fu San’s portrait disappeared into the wall. He thought for a long time before nodding.

“You better go before your drug withdrawal kicks in and get the stuff I want. Don’t let your father figure out anything. After all, you’re his only pride.” He Yi led his people away and entered the corridor with a laugh.

Fu Ning, who was waiting in the 11th-floor elevator, didn’t ask much. He returned to the seventh floor with Fu San, “Ah San, despite your tough appearance, I know you’re a nice kid with a kind heart. Dad has a lot of hope in you, but things have changed. I only have one demand of you. Take care of yourself and put your own safety first.” This was Xia Yang’s first time being praised. He smiled gently.

“When you’re a father like me, you’ll understand.” Fu Ning and Fu San entered the office deep on the seventh floor. The other thre

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