Chapter 207: Jing Tuoshen
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 207: Jing Tuoshen

“I want you to draw the inner reflection of your truest selves. Do not be limited by conventions. It can be abstract drawings or surreal paintings. You only need to look inside your hearts.”

After Fu San parted from the chief, he entered the newbie training room. He chased away the teacher and sat at the podium. The newbies had no idea who Fu San was. They saw the teacher respect him a lot, so they followed his orders. The paintings were sent to Fu San. He lowered his head and gave everyone his comments, “Trash and worse than trash. These can’t even be recycled. You have a life like plain water. How dumb do you need to be to draw something like this?”

So far, the biggest compliment Fu San had given was, “Your painting is like instant noodles’ flavouring landing on your shoes. It has taste, but you need to kneel down to lick it.”

The newbies’ expression changed from the initial confusion to anger. They knew that a lot of difficulties awaited them inside the investigation centre. However, this teacher didn’t teach them anything. He insulted them for no reason.

About ten minutes later, Fu San narrowed his eyes and lifted his head for the first time, “Who drew this?” He raised the paper. It had the painting of a cock with five ‘fingers’.

“I did.” Xiao Yong stood up. In the past, he thought the centre was mysterious, but after starting the training, he realised the centre was completely different from what he had thought.

“Why did you draw a chicken?” Fu San burned the painting before Xiao Yong’s eyes. “Did all the chickens you ate look like this?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I merely drew what I believe myself to be. The cry of a cockerel wakes up the sun. I hope the sun will return to Han Hai’s sky. I will inherit the dreams of the seniors before me and fight the ghosts to my death!” Xiao Yong said loudly.

“Do you think the sun will come up for a chicken?” Fu San smiled, “Tonight, you will patrol the inside of this building with me.” Xiao Yang wanted to counter, but he was pulled back by the perso

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