Chapter 205: 0109
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 205: 0109

Situ An tried his best to build a resentment room, but success evaded him. However, the moment he ‘died’, a real big ghost appeared in his project.

“The investigators from the other districts wouldn’t have known the ghost is actually in this building,” Fu Ning’s expression was severe, “We can’t let them know this, or our situation will become worse. The people above have already suspected us of being spies of the shadow world.”

“Are they going to abandon us?” Fu San followed Fu Ning. Like what the old man said, he probably wouldn’t have expected the ghost to be right beside him.

“Situ An knows too many secrets. It’s one thing to be abandoned, but I fear they want to silence us.” Fu Ning shook his head. “You’re still young. You don’t understand these things. Sometimes, humans are worse than ghosts.”

Moving between the unfinished resentment rooms, Xia Yang inside Fu San carefully looked around. Situ An knew the resentment rooms very well. He built these rooms according to scale. Some of the resentment rooms had the cursed objects from the actual locations moved there. These were all perfect canvases. Each was soaked with horrible memories. Once he got close, he could hear the screams inside the wall and smell the blood in the air. Fu San took a deep breath and lowered his head, afraid that his father might see the excitement in his eyes. His fingers snipped and cracked. He was desperate to paint.

“I know you’re scared, but there’s no need to suppress it. I was very afraid when I first came here too. That is normal. You’ll soon get used to it.” Fu Ning looked at his son with love. He had a lot of hope in Fu San. “You’re acting much better than normal people would already.”

“Okay.” Fu San was scared that his emotions would be captured by his father, so he replied with only a single word.

They used the stairs and headed to the 12th floor. Once Fu Ning opened the door, the gun barrels aimed at him. The security members looked at Fu Ning and Fu San expressionlessly. They were like murder robots. The security at the

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