Chapter 204: Humanmade
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 204: Humanmade

“What do you need to survive in the city filled with ghost stories and ghosts?” The aged lecturer stood in the middle of the room. Behind him was the projection of the map of the east city.

“Fight! Push forward without fear!” Xiao Yong pumped his fist. His answer got the agreement from the other newbies.

“No! It’s to follow the rules!” The aged lecturer slammed the thick rulebook on Xiao Yong’s table. “I’ll give you three hours to memorise every single one of these rules!”

“That’s scary!” Xiao Yong said bitterly, “I didn’t even study so hard back at school.”

“Stand up!” The aged lecturer glared at Xiao Yong, “Every rule you see now is traded with the lives of your seniors! You can survive with these rules because your seniors have died trying to figure out the rules!” The thick rulebook was covered with the blood of many investigators.

“The first lesson you need to understand is to learn to respect the rules and fear the rules!” The lecturer yelled, scaring all the newbies. “If you don’t want to die in the horror story, memorise these and make them a part of you!” Most of the newbies quickly went to study. Xiao Yong felt a bit unwilling. He had not encountered any anomaly. He was invited to join the centre because his physical attributes were higher than normal.

“Sit down!” The lecturer looked at the thirteen newbies in the room, and a trace of pity crossed his eyes. The investigators at the east city were almost wiped out. The headquarters had selected more and more newbies to fill in the spaces. However, these newbies would only be cannon fodder. They hadn’t memorised the rules and couldn’t protect themselves. They were there to be meatshields for the experienced agents. With a sigh, the aged lecturer left the room. The corridor was filled with rushing people. A level 4 anomaly just lost control around the east city. Han Hai became the most dangerous district. Many newbies were sent into the countryside with just the barest training.

“What a long night.” The weak light shone on the aged lecturer’s face. He

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