Chapter 203: First Step
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 203: First Step

“Jing Tuoshen?” Gao Ming barely remembered this name from his many deaths.

“The headquarters is always interacting with the shadow world. Those who come into contact with the demons will be affected by them. Some of the investigators changed dramatically after they left the anomaly. They butchered the citizens and became part of the tragedy. It was then that the headquarters required a special group of people to clean up the inside trash.” Situ An smiled. He was happy to chat with Gao Ming because the more he knew about Gao Ming, the greater his chance of killing him. “Jing Tuoshen is one such person. He is very good at secrecy, murder, and deception.”

“A person with cleanliness obsession specialises in such work. How ironic.” Xia Yang found another interesting soul.

“Jing Tuoshen doesn’t have an official title. I’ve interacted with him several times. I can’t find his weakness. I only know that he is a researcher on the surface.” Situ An turned to Xia Yang, “If you can capture Jing Tuoshen, then you have the chance to know the core information of the headquarters. You can step on the dead bodies of the big shots to reach the top.”
Situ An probably wasn’t lying. He was merely telling Gao Ming what he originally planned to do. In one of the futures where Gao Ming was killed, Situ An became the chief of the headquarters. That version of Situ An was the scariest. However, this Situ An was sent into Gao Ming’s heart before he could make his first step.

“If you want to take down the east city, just pay attention to Jing Tuoshen.”

With the ‘aid’ of Xia Yang and Situ An, Gao Ming gradually completed his horror story.

Blood slid down the television screen. The baby’s crying intermingled with the sound of the broadcaster. The tears and the clock ticked at the same time.

“I’ve done with this life.”

The old newspaper was torn into pieces and thrown into the air. The man walked past the overturned table and stepped on the stained carpet. He didn’t even pick up the shards of glass. He ignored the crying kid and combed

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