Chapter 202: People
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 202: People

“Act as what now?” As a game producer, Wei Dayou knew what an NPC was. However, he had a feeling Gao Ming was not talking about a conventional NPC.

“A horror game can’t just have ghosts and monsters. It has to have innocent victims, people showing the way and extras. I will give you new identities, and I need you to explore your acting skills in my horror games.” Gao Ming’s voice entered everyone’s ears.

“Do you plan to move the horror games into the real world? Are you going to realise the games you’ve designed in the real world?” Wei Dayou had seen the games Gao Ming designed. Some of the plots were so scary that he was already breaking out in a cold sweat thinking about them. “Other people are trying to realise their dreams, but you’re trying to realise your nightmare!”
“Is there a difference? Plus, they will happen either way. I’m just giving them an artistic edge.” Gao Ming tried to explain the situation to everyone. Even if he didn’t do anything, the tragedy would still happen. His intervention would enable more people to survive. He could also select potential players to join him.

“Then… Can I be a player?” Zhang Fendou, who was carrying a dirty schoolbag, raised his hand. The kid just wanted to play games.

“Go back home and do your homework!” Zhang Ding grabbed his son and dragged him away. “I’m sorry. Continue.”

“I want to be a ship captain! I want to play too!” Zhang Fendou waved his limbs as he struggled.

“Children need to stay out of adult business. I’ve found you a lot of homework from Han De Private School.“ Zhang Ding sent Zhang Fendou back to the supermarket. “Don’t even think of coming out before you pass the exam!”

With this incident, the humans on the other side felt less afraid of Boss Zhang. Even after he became a ghost, he had to be worried about his kid.

“Brother Zhang, those are high-school homework. It’ll be hard for him.” Gao Ming reminded him and then gave everyone the script.

While people were studying the script, Gao Ming pasted the map of the 19 districts on the wall. He planned to produce two h

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