Chapter 201: NPC
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 201: NPC

“I can produce all the anomalies from Level 1 to Level 4 myself. I can even review and reward the bosses of each stage.” Gao Ming had many ghosts around him. He had the art teacher and the PE teacher, who both had a resentment room. He had a death portrait of the school teachers in his heart. He could reconstruct Han De Private School if he wanted.

“Ghosts alone are not enough. A senior psychiatrist has once given this definition to fear--When one doesn’t have the resources or abilities to solve the threat, one will fear the sense of anxiety and fear.

“I need to maximise the player’s survival desire and extreme emotions. I can do that through many methods.

“Elements such as unsafe environment, horrifying atmosphere and various tricks and hints…”

Gao Ming was a perfect horror game designer. He worked at a heavy-crime penitentiary and was familiar with human psychological weakness. He had studied a lot of twisted criminals. He not only understood the formation of fear but also had personally experienced it from his many deaths. Just in terms of deaths alone, Gao Ming could come up with thousands of ways for one to die. It was all practical knowledge.

Before dawn, Gao Ming split up from Liu Yi and went back to the old city. After he got out of the car, he got a message from Wan Qiu, “The house has been taken over. I’m waiting for you in the third alley at Min Long Street.”

“A message from Wan Qiu? Is he being threatened?”

Class 13 was the target of the investigation centre. Too many people wanted to harm them at Han Hai.

“It’s not safe at home, but it’s even dangerous to send such information through messages.”

Gao Ming thought about it and entered the corridor next to it. He took out the death portrait of the birthday cake and entered the shadow world through the door his parents opened. He got out of the car near Min Long Street. After walking for a few minutes in the shadow world, he came to the location mentioned in the message.

The birthday cake death portrait looked useless, but it allowed Gao Ming to

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