Chapter 194: Public Enemy
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 194: Public Enemy

“Because Han Hai hasn’t found that key person.” Situ An looked at Gao Ming, “You can understand the shadow world as the shadow of the real world. The cities in the real world will appear in the shadow world. I don’t know about Jiujiang, but I know that Xin Lu corresponds to an endless blood city in the shadow world. The players trapped in the game help expand the bloody city. Based on the headquarters’s top secret document, that city is connected to someone in Xin Lu.”

Situ An didn’t continue but changed his tune, “Han Hai is different from them. This city’s alternative in the shadow world is abandoned and dark. Without an owner, it is like the place is dead.”

“A dead city?” Gao Ming had no idea how many strange cities existed in the shadow world. However, he had been there, and his impression of the city was indeed one of death.
“The shadow version of Han Hai hasn’t found its owner. In other words, any one of us has the possibility to be the master of the shadow Han Hai.” Situ An didn’t hide his ambitions. He was excited whenever he talked about these.

“What kind of conditions do you need to fulfil to become Han Hai’s owner in the shadow world?” Xia Yang also discovered something interesting. The three of them were special, even among antagonists.

Situ An smiled and didn’t continue. He could see from Xia Yang and Gao Ming’s eyes that they temporarily would not kill him. His goal had been achieved.

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll draw out your heart and brain and look for the answers myself.” Xia Yang was insane too. He sat before Situ An and started to figure out a solution.

Gao Ming didn’t meddle in their business. He had already obtained very important info from Situ An. Jiujiang and Xin Lu had traces of anomaly a long time ago. The two cities chose two different ways to deal with them. Xin Lu wanted to unite with the shadow world, while Jiujiang appeared to wish to fight the shadow world to the bitter end.

From the current situation, Jiujiang’s methods seemed to be better. At least, there had not been a sing

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