Chapter 195: Red in His Heart
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 195: Red in His Heart

Originally, the tragedy would take another few more weeks to arrive. However, with the hard work of Class 13, it had appeared earlier at Han Hai. Everything was as predicted by You Liang’s nightmare. Every student in Class 13 was a ‘poisonous corruption source’.

After Fu Huo noticed Situ An had disappeared and the three defensive lines of the investigation centre had collapsed, he wanted to retreat. This mission targeting Han De Private Academy had fully failed. His consideration was to retreat with minimal loss. The investigation centre reinforcement from Xin Lu had perished entirely. Everyone had greatly underestimated the danger level of this tragedy.

“Is this Han Hai’s death realm? It is unpredictable and highly mutated. After it breaks the rules, it nurtures its own set of rules.” Fu Huo had experienced the anomaly at Xin Lu. However, he didn’t expect an anomaly of Level 3 Danger Rating to mutate to this level. The big ghost that controlled the rules, the unknown existence that came from the shadow world, the giant flesh tree no one had seen before, the endless scapegoats and the flood that swallowed everything.

“What is normally taught at this school?” After Fu Huo forced the student council president back, he chose to retreat. To get to know the situation at the school before, he rescued the cornered Zuo Jun. As Situ An’s most ‘trustworthy’ underling, Zuo Jun had participated in this anomaly every step of the way. He had to be protected.

“Due to your boss’ sudden disappearance, I will assume command! Retreat immediately and request aid from the headquarters! Build the fourth defensive line at the east city. We have to detain the flood and the ghosts before they can leave the east city.” Fu Huo’s body was covered in scars and burns. He looked scarier than ghosts.

“I haven’t received any orders from the headquarters.” Zuo Jun knew that his support had collapsed. He quickly acted like he was loyal to Han Hai. He was covered in ghost blood.

“Follow my orders! Who else knows about these things at the east city investig

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