Chapter 176: The First Human Brick
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 176: The First Human Brick

The chain bound around his wrist. Li Biao couldn’t even chop off his wrist to free his hand. He could only watch as he was dragged into the big dog’s mouth. To his shock, he saw a human face inside the dog.

“Why is the face familiar?”

Darkness consumed him. Li Biao felt all the sounds and lights fading away. When he was eaten by the dog, everything else was eaten too.

“They seem to be different from the ghosts I’ve encountered.” Gao Ming studied the heart he took from Li Biao. The child whom the heart belonged to had long died. The thing that kept the heart beating was a determination of the child to see his mother. He wanted to see his mother before he died. Sensing the intense determination from the heart, Gao Ming’s eyes shone with shock. All the ghosts he had met stored their consciousness inside a scenario. Every big ghost had its own resentment room but the owner of this heart compressed all of his resentment and memory into his heart so that he became a ghost with a ‘heart’.

The other investigators saw Gao Ming eat Li Biao and take away his core. The command fell onto the second team leader. They didn’t panic. They rearranged their formation. While they ensured everyone could influence the red raincoat, they were cautious of anything that could get close to them.

Gao Ming knew that it would be so much harder to strike at the investigators again. He didn’t stay on the basement first floor. He held the child’s heart and urged the big dog to move further down the building. The human bricks shattered. The crying faces struggled helplessly but their fates had been written. They couldn’t escape from the building. If something happened to the building, they had to rush over to fix it. If the building collapsed, they would lose their final resting place. From the moment they were turned into human bricks, the fate of these students were sealed. This was the best script fate had written for them.

“Sometimes, I feel like fate is a lazy scammer. He gave the majority a normal script but liked to come up with a few

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