Chapter 175: We Have No Principles
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 175: We Have No Principles

Han De Private School’s true secret was exposed to everyone. The bloody truth was too shocking. The school became like this because it had consumed too many kids’ youth and happiness. They aged before their prime. The bodies that should release pheromones only possessed drowsiness and wrinkles.

Be it the school rules or Situ An’s rules, they could be so powerful due to the silent sacrifice of these human bricks. It was better for the school rules for they would send the aged students into Hostel 6 first and prepare a sickbed for them as a way to compensate them. Situ An was crueller. He officiated the teacher ID and used his identity as the headmaster to control the students.

“Is this the true appearance of Han De Private School?” Ma Tao’s mouth fell open as a chill grasped his heart. “So this is where all the students who violated the rules and graduated are!”

Ma Tao saw his former friends among the bricks. They were stashed in small boxes. Their bodies were bent out of shape. Their faces didn’t carry any human emotions. They were worse than ghosts.

“I can't protect you anymore.” The wounded You Liang was as pure as ever. The blood on his body was red like ruby, and his eyes shone like stars. “You’ll have to rely on yourselves now.” After You Liang said that, some of the human bricks shed tears. It could be their appreciation of You Liang’s sacrifice or concern for their future. Through You Liang’s words, Gao Ming, who was hiding inside the big dog, realised something scary. You Liang said he had been protecting these human bricks. In other words, if not for You Liang, the school rules and Situ An might torment these people even more. The human bricks were not the worst that could happen to these students.

“Either you become a big ghost, or you might not even get the chance to become a human brick.” Liu Yi had an indescribably sad feeling when she saw the cruelty of the shadow world. No one knew what would happen in the future. But if the shadow world were allowed to infiltrate the real world, this might happ

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