Chapter 174: Red Attire
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 174: Red Attire

The students screamed at the top of their lungs. Blood was everywhere, but upon closer inspection, one would realise that their bodies only had bloodstain and no wounds.

As the owner of the nightmare, You Liang felt a chill as he entered the station lobby. He felt unprecedented danger in his own nightmare. He stopped moving forward. You Liang noticed that one of the students was surreptitiously glancing at him while attacking the others. It was not a gaze of bloodlust. Instead, there was excitement in his eyes.

“Are you all from an acting class?” You Liang’s body was covered in shadow. His condition was bad, but he was not someone a few students could deal with. You Liang glanced at the scapegoats like Ma Tao. All of them lowered their heads and kept silent. A rather large scapegoat tried to wink at You Liang as if in a warning.

“Do you want to kill me in my own nightmare? I haven’t even seen most of you.” You Liang realised the human heart was too vicious. He only wanted to kill half of the students, but it looked like it was easier for him to wipe out the entire class.

The students didn’t seem to hear You Liang. As they attacked one another, they slowly moved towards You Liang. When they were only a few metres away from You Liang, Yuan Hui, who wanted to take revenge on Zuo Jun, suddenly cooperated with Zuo Jun and charged at You Liang. Both of them were armed with the investigation centre’s special blade. Their target was You Liang’s cheeks and neck, which were polluted the most by the shadow.

“Be careful!” Liu Yi was shocked to see this. She had always assumed Yuan Hui was Zuo Jun’s nemesis, but it seemed like their relationship was not that simple. One wanted to gather everyone to the investigation centre’s side, and the other gathered everyone who wanted to resist Zuo Jun. Both parties were related to Situ An.

“All of you have targeted me. Is it because I’ve always wanted to be a good person?” You Liang’s body was corrupted, but his eyes were pure. “Everything that happened to me will happen to you. If

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