Chapter 173: Trap
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 173: Trap

Even after experiencing various pains, the thing within You Liang’s heart hadn’t changed. If it were any other big ghosts, they would have started a massacre. They wouldn’t ask for a death order.

“Do you want us to figure out who among my classmates deserves to be killed the most?” Gao Ming stood there thinking.

“What’s wrong? Is it too cruel?” You Liang’s body was crawling with shadows. “I’m just trying to save myself.”

“I don’t think it’s cruel. I just want to give you a suggestion. Why don’t you start with Zuo Jun?” Gao Ming had long since wanted to eliminate Zuo Jun. He was simply afraid of alerting Situ An. “The man is dangerous and cunning. He has scammed the whole class and works for Situ An.”

You Liang didn’t expect that not only did Gao Ming not reject him, but he also helped him choose a candidate. “Looks like the relationship among your classmates is not that good.”

“It’s not that bad. We just occasionally want to kill each other.”

The two exited the school. The nightmare city had been taken over by the blood mist. Angry mobs were everywhere.

“If I let you back into the real world, Han Hai might become like this. The shadow world has planted its seed in each of you.” You Liang’s words reminded Gao Ming of something. He once used a black death portrait to pull the whole unit where Zhao Xi lived into the shadow world. Originally, he thought he was the passage that Xuan Wen mentioned, which could connect the two worlds. But now, he realised everyone in Class 13 should have a similar power.

“I should test it out.” Gao Ming summoned the big dog and had him spit out Qian Junran.

Many students were wary of him, so he wanted to use Qian Junran’s phone to contact his classmates. Qian Junran sat on the ground in shock. When he saw Gao Ming again, he screamed fearfully.

“Borrow me your phone.” Gao Ming entered the chatgroup using Qian Junran’s ID. He frowned. This man had built seven groups behind Gao Ming’s back. He spread nasty rumours about Wang Jie and Gao Ming. He even wanted to capture Gao Ming and

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