Chapter 172: Death Order
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 172: Death Order

You Liang had discovered very early that he was different from the other big ghosts at the school. Including Yan Xizhi, the other big ghosts could only move within their resentment room and use their resentment to alter their surroundings. However, he could create a nightmare that was entirely his.

Whether one could fully recreate a nightmare from memory seemed to be the difference between the resentment rooms and haunted houses.

However, he didn’t expect that his nightmare would one day lose control. It had even caused him backlash. Shadow spread on his body and tore at his soul.

“Is it from that class again?” You Liang had a deep impression of Class 13. For so many years, there was only one person who managed to leave his nightmare smiling, and that person was from Class 13.

“I should yank them all out.” You Liang reached his left hand at the wall, but he discovered he couldn’t melt into his nightmare. As the nightmare owner, he was trapped.

“Am I their target?” You Liang ran out of the library. He saw that the thick blood mist had shrouded everything. Thin capillaries grew on the outer walls of every building like vines. First, there were the malicious doodles, and then there were the strange blood capillaries. You Liang felt like he was weakening rapidly.

“This is a trap!”

You Liang had an understanding of the situation at the school. Situ An’s rules tricked the students of Class 13 into the school. He wanted to use their connection with Gao Yun to find Gao Yun’s memory fragments scattered around the school and take control of the school; Gao Yun clearly understood the students better than Situ An. They were walking tragedies. Therefore, he planned to use Class 13 to pollute You Liang and take down the lab building in one fell swoop.

A layer of shadow covered his fair skin. You Liang couldn’t understand how the students did it.

“They look like a group of failed adults. None of them are happy. How could they affect the nightmare so greatly?”

The pedestrians who were formed with You Liang’s memory start

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