Chapter 177: Choice
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 177: Choice

Human bricks were the foundation of Han De Private School. Without the human bricks, the school would collapse. Then again, what was the purpose of existence for a school that turned its school into human bricks and absorbed the student’s life essence?

The school rules and Situ An’s rules fought but not to their bitter ends. Both parties wanted to consume the other, but they didn’t want to destroy the dining table. Gao Ming was different. If he could only feast on human meat, he’d flip the sacrificial table. If he started with nothing, what was he afraid of losing?

The blurry student IDs tumbled out of the death portrait. Gao Ming didn’t need to do anything. The human bricks had already linked with the familiar presence from the IDs. The tattered IDs carried their memories, best thoughts and former selves.

Many students at this school were forced to murder their former selves before they were willing to be made into human bricks and encased underground. If there were no other choices, they would eventually surrender to fate. However, Gao Ming brought them a different path.

The ‘roots’ actively created a path for Gao Ming. The human bricks saw their shining selves in the student IDs, like kids following the stars in the night sky. Back then, they had no idea why they were so enraptured. Now, they understood that they were looking at their pure and shimmering selves. Even if the death portrait didn’t contain their Student IDs, the human bricks would move out of the way. This was the last kindness they could afford to give.

Most of the students were not bad people. Of course, they were not all good people either. They simply failed to be 100 percent good or 100 percent evil. It was why they weren’t eliminated by Situ An and the school rules due to their sharp justice or became big ghosts that could ignore the rules.

“Found it!” Gao Ming hung the first ID on its original order. The hunchbacked male’s skin started to regain the colour of blood. His dull eyes started to shine with light. He tried to lift his arms,

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