Chapter 178: Mad Party
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 178: Mad Party

The appearance of the art teacher and Xia Yang didn’t surprise Gao Ming. He was the one who asked them to come there. The things that happened underneath the lab building were perfect for Xia Yang. Be it You Liang, who was as clean as a winter sun, or the red raincoat who represented the deepest hatred, even the Class 13 and the investigators who fought for their own benefits brought endless inspiration to Xia Yang.

The art teacher narrowed her eyes to hide the greed deep inside her eyes. Xia Yang desired the red raincoat and You Liang’s souls. He wanted to paint them and trap them inside his painting. “I love this world more and more.”

The art teacher took out a paintbrush and drew You Liang and the red raincoat on the wall. With each new brushstroke, she would have a new wound on her body. It was as if the paint she used was her own blood.

You Liang and the red raincoat who fought each other noticed the art teacher’s presence. However, this didn’t give the red raincoat any pause. To fully consume You Liang, the raincoat had been covered in unhealable gashes. You Liang’s face paled. His power was limited like his life. In the end, he would lose all the happiness and become a ghost with bloody hands. If this continued, the red raincoat would really kill him.

“Run! Leave the underground first!” Gao Ming shouted at the students of Class 13. Even though some of them deserved to die, most didn’t show any malice towards Gao Ming.

The students who had stolen some of the boxes instantly fled once they heard Gao Ming’s reminder. These people would find all kinds of excuses to evade a fight, but they would run faster than athletes if they were asked to flee.

“Leave the dead body of the red coat’s child behind!” The people of the centre were about to go insane. The core had already been snatched by Gao Ming. If the students escaped with the other boxes, the red raincoat might get out of control, “This red raincoat has butchered an entire bus of people! If she goes on a rampage, she will hunt down every soul who has tou

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