Chapter 179: Competition of the Cowards
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 179: Competition of the Cowards

“I’ve read so many apocalyptic novels when I was young. This is just perfect. The apocalypse is really here.” Xi San carried the kid's arms and rushed into the bus. “Brother Jie, how are we going to drive away without the key?”

“Threaten those investigators and force them to cough it up! Do you need me to teach you that?” Wang Jie tussled with one of the investigators. He was extremely swift and vicious. He had clearly been trained before.

“Hand over the key, or you’ll regret it.” Xi San said darkly. At that moment, he was punched in the stomach by the other party. He doubled over like a shrimp.

“Fuck! Useless!” Wang Jie kicked away his opponent and picked up the arms of the kid. He turned to deal with the investigator who attacked Xi San. “The security of the investigator has lost control! The child’s body parts are scattered everywhere! If we don’t escape now, all of us will be hunted down by the red raincoat!” The rain poured. Wang Jie’s voice travelled far in the rain. “Everyone who has touched the child’s body will be targeted by the red spectre! If we don’t escape from the school tonight, we’ll all die!”

“If we let you go, the anomaly will spread even further and that will lead to more deaths.” The investigator looked at Wang Jie coolly. “There’s no way you’re driving away with this bus.”

“If you want to die, don’t bring us down with you.” Wang Jie almost wanted to shove the kid’s arm into the man’s mouth. The students’ eyes were red as they surrounded the buses.

“Here! The key of this bus is still in the ignition!” Cao Song found an unguarded bus. He waited for it to stop and then got on it. The moment he got on, he puked. The interior of the bus was covered in blood like it had just come from a slaughterhouse. This bus was the vehicle used by the centre to transport the red raincoat. In other words, the bus was not for the living. However, considering the situation, the students didn’t have other choices. They all fought to get on the bus. The investigators panicked when they saw this. The group of ma

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