Chapter 167: Gao Ming, Are You Scared Now?
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 167: Gao Ming, Are You Scared Now?

The students entered different rooms, walked different paths in life and would have different endings. There were six students in the room that represented the school. They held their voting paper and looked at each other nervously.

“Everyone has their own life mission. Don’t just stand there. You can start your mission already.” Wang Jie looked at the woman across from him. Back then, the girl once confessed to Wang Jie. After so many years, the girl was already another man’s wife.

No one expected the ‘killer’ Wang Jie to enter the school. The woman ran to the door. She wanted to move to another room, but once she touched the doorknob, the lights in the room went out. The door opened. Outside the door was the busy traffic and startling highrises. You De paced nervously around. You Liang’s nightmare descended. The real society practical class had begun.

“Is everyone in the same nightmare this time?” Gao Ming touched the wall. The nightmare was more realistic than last time.

“Hmm?” Gao Ming noticed the drawings on the school wall. The horrifying drawings were Xia Yang’s creation. Xia Yang and he drew them to take revenge on the bad guys when they entered the nightmare last time.

“Xia Yang’s drawings are still here?!” The drawings were fading, but they would need a long time to disappear fully. “This is quite embarrassing. I hope You Liang wouldn’t mind it.”

Gao Ming knew how to clear the nightmare. However, he had other missions to accomplish. Therefore, he had to control the rhythm carefully.

While You De complained to the students, Gao Ming walked over, raised his hand and slapped You De while the others watched in shock!

You De was stunned as he was slapped to the ground.

“This person is the key to clear the class.” Gao Ming grabbed You De by his arm and dragged him to the other students. “Alright. You don’t need to do anything anymore. Bring him away. Go play with him.”

Wang Jie looked at the collapsed You De and seemed to understand something. He and the other two girls dragged You De away.

“Didn’t y

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