Chapter 168: What is a Best Friend?
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 168: What is a Best Friend?

Liu Yi’s pretty image was very different from what he saw. Qian Junran’s heart seemed to forget to beat. He turned and saw the dog that lunged at him like the night.

“A giant dog?”

The giant maw swallowed Qian Junran and the student ID. The dog landed on his feet. The long fur danced in the bloody wind. The students who surrounded Gao Ming froze on the spot. It was like their legs were leaden. They couldn’t even move their bodies.

“Since you think I’m the 51st student, how could you possibly fight the school rules?”

Gao Ming touched Xia Yang’s paintings on the wall. After the black dog swallowed Qian Junran, he disappeared into the shadow. The next second, he appeared gracefully behind Gao Ming. The black fur floated behind him. He spat out the student ID and Zuo Bo’s blade. Gao Ming picked up the student ID and touched the picture on it. “Actually, I also wonder if I’m the 51st student. After all, I only have my death memories. I’ve forgotten all the happy times. Perhaps I knew the value of sacrifice and kindness in the past. Perhaps I’ve been betrayed by you in the past before.”

“Gao Ming, calm down! We don’t mean any malice. We just want to know your identity!” Cao Song retreated. His voice shook. After Qian Junran was eaten, their union shattered.

“If you just want to confirm my identity, do you need a knife?” Gao Ming wiggled Zuo Bo’s blade. “Don’t you want to know the message that I’ve sent the 51st student?”

Du Bai considered a possibility. “Did you not send any message? Your phone received all of our messages! You knew all of our secrets!”

“If only that’s true.” Gao Ming dripped his blood on the student ID. The God of Blood and Flesh didn’t react. This was proof that he was not the 51st student, “I’m not him, but he seems to know me very well. He even knows my trump card.” Gao Ming opened his voting paper. His profession was not a killer or a psychiatrist but a game designer.

“I quit my job at Hen Shan Prison a few days ago to be a freelance game designer. No one should know about this but myself.”

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